Student Competitions

Solvay Student Paper Competition

The American Society for Composites (ASC) supports Solvay Award for the Best Student Paper in Composites to be presented annually at the ASC Conference.


1. Only papers on polymer composites manufacturing, materials development, adhesive bonding, and recycling are eligible for this competition, in particular

1. Innovative manufacturing and prototyping methods
2. Process design, modeling, and optimization
3. Process-induced defects and residual stresses
4. Out-of-autoclave methods, RTM, compression molding, stamping
5. Composite joining (focus on adhesive bonding), assembly, co-cure
6. New materials development and chemistries for composites
7. Cost and waste reduction, and reutilization, in the composite supply chain
8. Recycling and re-purposing of composites

2. The first author and presenter has to be an undergraduate or graduate student in an engineering program at the time of the first abstract submission deadline. Post-doctoral researchers and other research staff will not be considered.

3. No extensions will be given for the submission of the paper beyond the final conference paper submission deadline.

4. A limit of two secondary authors (a total of three authors) will be allowed to insure that the student first author has contributed significantly to the research.

For more information, see

Instructions for submission:

Students submitting to the Solvey Student Paper Competition need to submit their abstracts through infoReady to Topic 42 (Other Composite Research and add "(Solvay Competition)" in the box "Proposal Title" after the paper title as shown below. 


Student Simulation Challenge

We are pleased to announce the 2023 ASC Student Simulation Challenge. This years competition is aimed at developing a manufacturable sling-less catapult arm to launch a blueberry. The competition will feature an in person demonstration where the blueberries will be flying so bring your safety glasses and hunger to the competition.

More details can be found here


Important Dates

Jan 15

Abstract Submission Open

Mar 26

Abstract Submission Deadline

Apr 11

Notification of Abstract Acceptance

Jun 9

Paper Submission Deadline

Jun 6

Registration Open

Jul 1

Paper Acceptance Decision

Jul 15

Presenter Registration Deadline

Jul 15

Copyright Forms Due

Sep 1

Regular Registratation Deadline

Sep 18-20


For further information, please contact: