ASC Fellows Procedures


A Fellow of ASC is a distinguished member who has made genuinely outstanding contributions to the composites community through research, practice, education, and/or service.


2.1 Membership

All Fellow nominees shall have been a Member of the Society for at least 10 years of the last 12 years.

2.2 Professional Contributions

The nominee shall have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the composites community through one or several of the following activities (1) research and development to advance the state-of-the-art in composites science and technology, (2) application and practice to promote unique and broader application of composites, (3) education and technology transfer to disseminate knowledge of composites, and (4) service with demonstrated leadership for the profession.

2.3 Verification

The required membership years are a fact that can be verified by accessing Society records. The nominee's contributions are determined by the Nominating Panel to its satisfaction, evaluated by the Awards Committee, and approved by the Executive Committee.


3.1 Nomination Procedure

3.1.1. The primary factor in a nomination is the statement of genuinely outstanding contribution to the state-of-the-art and/or in leadership as described in the Standards. The statement shall be prepared by a nominator and endorsed by a panel of co-nominators.

3.1.2. A Fellow can be nominated by a panel of peers with one member taking on the task of coordinating the nomination. The panel shall consist of at least one Fellow (presumably, but not necessarily, the nominator), plus four others, all of whom must be Members of ASC and all but one of whom shall be from outside the organization of the nominee. Each co-nominator shall prepare an individual letter of endorsement for the nominee. That letter may be sealed if desired, but must be sent to the nominator for inclusion in the nomination package. The co-nominators shall not communicate directly with the Awards Committee. The nominator shall gather and prepare the nomination package to include two copies of all parts and submit the package to the Awards Committee by 1 May each year. Incomplete nomination packages will not be considered by the Awards Committee.

3.1.3. Self nomination is not permitted.

3.2 Nomination Package

No special forms are required for the nomination. The Nomination Package shall consist of two copies of the following

3.2.1. The Nominator's cover letter with the names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses of co-nominators.

3.2.2. Statement of contributions (including a brief statement suitable for reading at the presentation).

3.2.3. Co-nominators' reference forms (you need an Adobe Acrobat Reader) and/or reference letters.

3.2.4. A resume.

The resume shall include the following information (1) educational background, (2) employment experience, (3) honors and awards, (4) achievements, (5) publications, (6) presentations, (7) research projects, (8) educational activities, (9) patents, (10) service to ASC, and (11) service to other professional organizations.

3.3 Election

3.3.1. For the purpose of recommending promotion to Fellow, the Awards Committee shall consist of all Fellows of the Society.

3.3.2. The Awards Committee shall evaluate the nomination packages on at least an annual basis and recommend a slate of new Fellows for approval by the Executive Committee in time for the new Fellows to be announced and presented at the annual conference. Each current Fellow evaluates the nomination package of each nominee, completes an ASC Fellow Nomination Evaluation Form for each nominee, including numerical ratings in the various categories listed in the Form, answering a qualified/not qualified (Yes/No) question, providing additional comments if desired, and returns the completed Forms to the Awards Chair.

3.3.3. The Awards Chair forwards the completed ASC Fellow Nomination Evaluation Forms for each nominee to a Fellow Assessment Committee of 3 to 5 current Fellows appointed by the Awards Chair.

3.3.4. For each nominee, the Fellow Assessment Committee reviews and evaluates the completed ASC Fellow Nomination Evaluation Forms. The purposes of the review and evaluation are to 1 - determine if there is a consensus recommendation as to whether or not the nominee should be promoted to Fellow by the Executive Committee, and 2 - to summarize the basis for the consensus recommendation in a brief paragraph that can be forwarded to the Awards Chair. 

3.3.5. The Awards Chair forwards the Fellow Assessment Committee recommendation for each nominee to the Executive Committee.

3.3.6. The Executive Committee shall elect Fellows for the Society by approving or disapproving (but not adding to) the slate recommended by the Awards Committee. The Executive Committee shall have individual approval or disapproval of the individuals recommended as a slate, i.e., the slate need not be considered in whole, but can be considered nominee by nominee. The Executive Committee shall designate an individual or individuals to notify in writing the new Fellows of their election (normally by 1 July) and include an introduction of the new Fellows at the Annual Conference.

Update Log

(a) deleted from 2.1. (This provision not to take effect until 2005. Until then, the minimum time required shall be five continuous years.)