Outstanding Researcher Award and ASC Award in Composites Nomination and Election Procedures
(4/15/02, Provisional)
The ASC Outstanding Researcher Award winner is a distinguished member of the composites community who has made a significant impact on the science and technology of composite materials through a sustained research effort over a number of years.
The ASC Award in Composites winner is a distinguished member of the composites community who has made a significant impact on the development of composite materials through applied research, practice, education, service, advocacy, or leadership.
2.1 Personal Qualifications
2.1.1 The nominees do not have to be members of ASC
2.1.2 The nominees do not have to be citizens nor residents of the United States.
2.2 Professional Contributions2.2.1 The nominee for the ASC Outstanding Researcher Award shall have made contributions to the science and technology of composite materials by way of analytical modeling, numerical modeling, design methodologies, and/or experimental work that have led to a greater understanding of the behavior of composite materials.
2.2.2 The nominee for the ASC Award in Composites shall have made outstanding contributions to the field of composite materials through service, practice, applied research, and education.
3.1 Nomination Procedure
3.1.1 The primary factors in a nomination are a letter from a nominator and a letter of endorsement from a co-nominator that are statements of the contributions made by the nominee.
3.1.2 Nominations may come from any current Member. However, either the nominator or co-nominator must be a past Award winner or Fellow.
3.1.3 Neither the nominator nor co-nominator can be from the nominee's organization.
3.1.4 Self-nomination is not allowed.
3.2 Nomination Packet3.2.1 Each individual considered for either the ASC Outstanding Researcher Award or the ASC Award in Composites shall have a nomination packet prepared by a nominator. The nomination packet shall consist of the letter of nomination, the letter of endorsement by a co-nominator, and a copy of the nominee's resume.
3.2.2 Though no special forms are required, the nomination letter, and to some extent, the endorsement letter, shall outline the contributions the nominee has made to the field of composite materials, citing specific examples to emphasize the various contribution.
3.2.3 The letters of the nominator and co-nominator shall include their names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses.
3.2.4 When complete, the nomination packet shall be forwarded to the Chair of the Society Awards Committee. Incomplete nomination packages will not be considered.
3.3 Election Procedure3.3.1 For the purpose of deciding the recipients of the Awards, the Awards Committee shall consist of all past Award winners.
3.3.2 Upon receipt of the nomination packets for all nominees, the Chair of the Society Awards Committee shall prepare a ballot for voting for each of the Award nominees. This ballot, along with copies of the nominator and endorsement letters and resume for each nominee, shall be sent to each member of the Awards Committee.
3.3.3 Each member of the Awards Committee shall vote for their choice of candidate for each Award by ranking the nominees in numerical order. The highest number shall be assigned to the nominee who, in the opinion of the Awards Committee member, is most deserving of the Award. The next highest number shall be assigned to the candidate felt to be the next most deserving, etc.
3.3.4 The ballots shall be returned to the Chair of the Society Awards Committee who will sum the rankings of each nominee. The nominee for each award with the highest total ranking will be declared the recipient of the Award. In the event of a tie, a second ballot shall be circulated.
3.3.5 The election shall be completed in time for the Award to be presented at the Annual Conference.
4.1 Notification of Award Recipient
4.1.1 After the results of the balloting have been determined, the Chair shall announce the names of the award recipients to the Awards Committee. The names shall then be forwarded to the Executive Committee for approval.
4.1.2 After approval by the Executive Committee, the nominators shall have the first right of refusal in the matter of notifying the particular nominees they are the award recipients. In any event, the award recipients shall be notified, in writing, as soon as possible.
4.2 Record of nomination and election process4.2.1 After the awards have been announced, it is the duty of the Chair of the Society Awards Committee to properly file the nomination packets and ballot results so they are available for later consultation, if necessary.
4.2.2 Results of the balloting other than revealing the award recipients shall remain confidential.
4.2.3 For those nominees who were not award recipients, their packets can be used for re-nomination for one more year without updating, if stated in writing by the nominator.